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Tag Archives: freightservice
6 loại chứng từ xuất nhập khẩu bắt buộc mà bạn phải biết
Port of Hamburg to welcome Germany’s first green ammonia import terminal
Air Products and Mabanaft, through its subsidiary Oiltanking Deutschland, have announced they will build Germany’s first large-scale, green energy import terminal in the Port of Hamburg.
Most of us know that Logistics has the role of planning, implementing and effectively managing the production process from purchasing raw materials, completing products, etc. But if the product is defective, or unsatisfactory, on-demand consumer demand? Then how to handle to bring the product to the place of production? That is the task that reverse logistics must perform. So what is reverse logistics ? What is its role in Logistics activities? Let’s find out with FBI LOGISTICS through the article below!
December, Port Houston to apply new container import dwell fee.
Break bulk cargo are known to be the solution for bulk cargoes but in dry form, not in crates. So what do you know about Break bulk cargo ? Let’s find out with FBI LOGISTICS through the article below!
Oversea service is a collection of all transactional activities in business carried out in an international environment. This is a highly volatile, sensitive and global business. Join FBI LOGISTICS today to learn about international business services!!!